Welcome! I'M

Ravi Verma

Software Engineer

I'm a software engineer with a passion for creating beautiful and functional web applications. I love exploring new ideas and bringing them to life.




BoxIt Real Time Multiplayer Game

BoxIt Real Time Multiplayer Game

ReactJS, SocketIO, ExpressJS, NodeJS, Bootstrap

BoxIt is a real-time multiplayer game.The game consists of a NxN matrix of dots. The players add an edge between two adjacent dots. The player who completes a box is rewarded 1 point and a bonus move. The player with the highest number of boxes aka points wins the game.

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Social Media Web Application

Social Media Web Application

ReactJS, RestAPI, Django, Bootstrap

Social networking website for users to share their posts and comments. The website also allows users to create their own profile and to follow other users. The website also allows users to like and comment on other users' posts.

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Forest Coverage in Aerial/Satellite Imagery using Image segmentation

Forest Coverage in Aerial/Satellite Imagery using Image segmentation

Deep Learning, Tensorflow, Flask, Bootstrap

This project detects forest coverage in satellite images using Deep Learning CNN model U-Net. The model returns the forest coverage in the image as a binary mask. The model is trained on a dataset of satellite images of forest coverages . The model then gives the percentage of forest coverage in the image

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Satellite Image to Digital Elevation Model using GAN( cGAN ) Deep Learning

Satellite Image to Digital Elevation Model using GAN( cGAN ) Deep Learning

GAN, Deep Learning, Tensorflow, Flask, Bootstrap

In this project, the aim is to generate Digital Elevation Model using GAN more specifically Conditional GAN (pix2pix) which is a CNN-based deep learning architecture. Digital Elevation model is elevation data of a geographic surface

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Quiz Application

Quiz Application

Tkinter, SQLite, Python, Json

The application allows creation, deletion, updation and scheduling quiz and it has two user roles admin and normal user. Users can signup and login. Also it allows exporting the results into CSV file.

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Landing page for Lavange Pvt. Ltd.

Landing page for Lavange Pvt. Ltd.

Tailwind, SvelteKit

This project is a responsive landing page for Lavange Pvt. Ltd. The project is built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Tailwind ReactJS, NextJS, SvelteKit. or Angular.

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Business page for Sunrisers Media Group

Business page for Sunrisers Media Group

Bootstrap, NextJS

This project is a responsive landing page for Sunrisers Media Group.

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My Education

My Experience

Skills & Technologies


Frontend Frameworks

Backend Frameworks & Tools





If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

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+91 78307 63507



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